Proudly Canadian-owned and Operated

MyDenny’s Rewards FAQs


Why did Denny’s transition loyalty programs? 

  • We have transitioned our loyalty program to allow you to earn and redeem points through online ordering and Pay at the Table through your smartphone.  Pay at the Table through your smartphone is also in an effort to create a contactless payment experience. If you have existing MyDenny’s points, these points will be made available to you.  

How do I view my points? 

  • To view your MyDenny’s Points, please visit, and sign in to (or create) your xDine account. Remember to sign-in using the same email address you used with MyDenny’s Rewards app. Alternatively, you can view your points at the restaurant by scanning the xDine Pay at the Table QR code. Please note, this is a new program and points are only earned when you are signed in to your xDine account for online orders or Pay at the Table. If you have any questions, please email us at  

I have an existing MyDenny’s account, however, I wasn’t notified of the change. What do I do now? 

  • Due to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), we may have not been able to legally reach out to you. Please reach out to, and we’ll provide you with the next steps. 

What if I don’t have a smartphone? 

  • If you don’t have a smartphone, you can use your computer to create and access your xDine account:  Computer access will allow you to place orders online for pick-up at participating locations.   

Is the old MyDenny’s Rewards APP and Website still active?  

  • The existing MyDenny’s Rewards app and website is no longer active. In order to make an effective transition from the old platform to the new xDine platform, we deactivated the old platform.  Your points have been transferred over to the new xDine platform. 

I am an existing MyDenny’s Rewards member, how does this affect me? 

  • Existing MyDenny’s Rewards members have had their points made available to them in the new MyDenny’s program on xDine. If you do not have an existing xDine account, you will need to create one to access your MyDenny’s points. Create your new MyDenny’s Rewards account through xDine using the email that you used on your old MyDenny’s Rewards sign-in page. Create your xDine account through: 

What if I have existing MyDenny’s Rewards points, and I do NOT plan on using the xDine Pay at the Table solution or online orderings?  

Do I need to download a new app on my phone?  

  • You are NOT required to download a new app on your phone. The new MyDenny’s Rewards program is accessible through or any web browser on your smartphone via a QR code at the restaurant. 

What is the new MyDenny’s Rewards?  

  • MyDenny’s Rewards is a customer loyalty program through Denny’s Canada. Denny’s Canada has partnered with xDine and its platform to allow you to pay, earn and redeem points directly from your smartphone through Pay at the Table, in addition to online pick-up orders. 

How do I become a MyDenny’s Rewards member?  

  • Scan the QR code when you are at the restaurant and follow the prompts.  And/or you can sign up for MyDenny’s Rewards by creating an xDine account online at 



How do I access my points on the new MyDenny’s Rewards program? 

  • The new MyDenny’s Rewards will be hosted on the xDine platform. You can view and access your points from your computer or at the restaurant through the xDine Pay at the Table QR code.    
    • From your computer, visit, sign in to your account and click the “View Loyalty Balance” and select “MyDenny’s”. 
    • While at the restaurant, scan the xDine Pay at the Table QR code on your table, sign in to your xDine account, and pay your bill using xDine Pay at the Table option. xDine will show you how many points you have, and how many points you will earn with your purchase. 

How do I earn and redeem points, and what is the value of each MyDenny’s Rewards point?  

  • You can earn and redeem MyDenny’s Rewards points on either online pick-up orders at or through your mobile phone via Pay at the Table at participating restaurants.  While in the restaurant, you must be logged into your xDine account and scan the QR code to Pay at the Table. 
    • You will earn points based on the amount paid 
    • You can use your points as cash value on future payments through Pay at the Table and online ordering 
  • MyDenny’s Rewards points works as follows:  
    • Earn 5 points per $1.00 spent 
    • Redeem 1 point for 1 cent (i.e. 100 points x $0.01 = $1.00 redeemable value) 

What steps do I take to redeem MyDenny’s Reward points?  

  • To redeem your MyDenny’s Reward points for online orders at follow these steps: 
    • At the “Confirm Payment” screen, select the “Use Rewards” button and follow the prompts 
  • To redeem your MyDenny’s Rewards points at the restaurant, at the end of your meal:  
    • Scan the QR code on your table (use your camera app on your smartphone). This will open the MyDenny’s xDine Pay at the Table site 
    • Sign-in or Register your account 
    • Select the “Use Rewards” button to apply points to your bill 
    • Points will be applied. The remaining balance can be paid using your credit card linked to your account. See below for steps on how to add your credit card 

How do I know how many points I will earn on my order? 

  • Online, you can view the points on the “Confirm Payment” screen. 
  • At the restaurant during check out, scan the QR code on your table and pay your bill using xDine Pay at the Table. xDine will show you how many points you will earn on your order. 

Can I redeem points earned in the same transaction? 

  • No, you can’t redeem points earned in the same transaction. You can apply previous points to your current bill and you can redeem current earned points for future transactions.  

Will my MyDenny’s Rewards Points expire? 

  • Your points will not expire through December 30, 2022. As of December 31, 2022, to retain your accumulated MyDenny’s Rewards points, you must have completed at least one qualifying activity within the previous 18 months. Qualifying activity is defined as a member having earned or redeemed eligible points. 

Can I still collect old MyDenny’s Rewards points? 

  • No. This is a new program; however, all your points have been made available on the new MyDenny’s Rewards on xDine. Please remember to sign into xDine using the same email used on your previous MyDenny’s account.  If you don’t see your points, please email 

Can I cash out my points? 

  • Points cannot be cashed out or redeemed for actual currency dollars.  Points must be redeemed as cash value using your xDine account during the payment of your bill in the restaurant via the Pay at the Table option. 

Can I transfer my points to another person? 

  • No, you cannot transfer your points to another person. 

Where are my MyDenny’s Rewards points valid? 

  • MyDenny’s Rewards are valid at participating locations through Pay at The Table and/or online pick-up orders through xDine. 

Can I earn points on Gift Cards purchased at the restaurant?  

  • Yes, points will be earned on Gift Card purchases. Please note, Gift Cards cannot be used as payment at xDine Pay at the Table.  

Can I use Gift Cards as payment through xDine Online Ordering or MyDenny’s xDine Pay at the Table? 

  • No, at this time Gift Cards cannot be added to your xDine account nor can you use Gift Cards to pay for online orders placed through Therefore, you won’t be able to apply Gift Cards to your bill when paying through online ordering or xDine Pay at the Table.  You may use Gift Cards as traditional payment (ie: through your server), however, you won’t be able to earn points towards your MyDenny’s Rewards on xDine.  



How do I add my Credit Card to MyDenny’s Rewards on xDine? 

  • Once logged into your MyDenny’s Rewards on xDine:  
    • Under Payment Method, select “Add Credit Card” 
    • You can use VISA, MasterCard and AMEX 
    • Enter your credit card details into the appropriate fields, and click “Add Card”  
      • Your card will now be saved to your account, and you can now use xDine Pay at the Table 

Are my Credit Card details secure? 

  • Your Credit Card details are secure.  xDine uses the same payment framework as all other Eigen solutions. Eigen is fully compliant with PCI DSS v3.2 and validated as a Compliant Service Provider. As evidence, they are listed on both the Visa and MasterCard Compliant Service. 

Do you accept Apple Pay and Google Pay? 

  • Yes, xDine allows you to use Apple Pay and Google Pay at participating locations.   

How do I update my contact information?  

What if I forgot my password? 

  • You can reset your MyDenny’s Rewards password by clicking the “Forget your password” on Enter your email, and a password reset link will be sent to your email with instructions. If you don’t see the password reset email, please check your spam/junk folder. If you are still having issues, please email 

Do I receive a membership card when I sign up for MyDenny’s Rewards? 

  • No, you will not receive a physical membership card, MyDenny’s Rewards is all done through the xDine platform. You only need a smartphone or web browser to access your account.  

Does MyDenny’s Rewards membership cost anything?  

  • MyDenny’s Rewards is free to join.  

What if I have a question that’s not outlined above?  

  •  Please email us at: